Cakes and ale is both a wickedly satirical novel about contemporary heroines of twentiethcentury literature, maugham s sardonic wit and william somerset maugham was born in and lived in paris until he was ten. Cakes and ale is both a wickedly satirical novel about contemporary heroines of twentiethcentury literature, maughams sardonic wit and william somerset maugham was born in and lived in paris. Two of the principal characters are thought by many critics to be based on famous persons. Somerset maugham tells the story of author william ashendens series of contracts over decades with a greatly renowned novelist, and the need of his wouldbe biographer for details that william alone can provide. Sep 23, 2018 the book is about writers and the real and fake legacies they leave behind depending cakes and ale by w. Cakes and ale is a piercing satire of british literary circles, and features apparently very recognisable portraits of authors thomas hardy, and maugham s erstwhile friend horace walpole. Compiled in one book, the essential collection of books by w. In cakes and ale maugham makes only the slightest of attempts at disguising its autobiographical nature. Cakes and ale project gutenberg selfpublishing ebooks. Maugham, english novelist, shortstory writer, and playwright is best remembered for his novel of human bondage. Whenever the writer has anything on his mind, whether it be a harassing reflection, grief at the death of a friend, unrequited love, wounded pride, anger at the treachery of someone to. Somerset maugham tells the story of author william ashenden s series of contracts. Cakes and ale is a comedy of literary england in the early decades of the 20th century narrated by ashenden.
Somerset maugham, published in 1930 the story is told by willie ashenden, a character who previously appeared in maughams shortstory collection ashenden. Apr 25, 2020 cakes and ale is both a wickedly satirical novel about contemporary heroines of twentiethcentury literature, maughams sardonic wit and william somerset maugham was born in and lived in paris until he was ten. Ebook cakes and ale as pdf download portable document format. It is the novel for which maugham wished to be remembered. Social climber alroy kear is flattered when he is selected by edward driffields. This is the first of three volumes of my collected short stories.
The story is told by willie ashenden, a character who previously appeared in maughams shortstory collection ashenden. May 17, 2020 cakes and ale is both a wickedly satirical novel about contemporary heroines of twentiethcentury literature, maughams sardonic wit and william somerset maugham was born in and lived in paris until he was ten. Somerset maugham the explorer the hero the land of promise the land of the blessed virgin. Per doubledays practice of designating first editions, first edition so stated on title page verso. It is difficult to find a novel that is more of a roman a clef than cakes and ale. Cakes and aleroused a storm of controversy when it was first published in 1930. Sketches and impressions in andalusia liza of lambeth the. Maugham 18941965 was safely settled in the south of france when the storm broke over this book. World heritage encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the.
Cakes and ale, or, the skeleton in the cupboard 1930 is a novel by the british author w. Jun 25, 2019 cakes and ale maugham pdf the story is told by willie ashenden, a character who previously appeared in maugham s shortstory collection ashenden. Somerset maugham, in full william somerset maugham, born jan. Somerset maughams cakes and ale dost thou think because thou art virtuous there shall be no more cakes and ale. Maugham exposes the misguided social snobbery levelled at the character rosie driffield, whose frankness, honesty, and sexual freedom make her a target of conservative propriety. Cakes and ale is both a wickedly satirical novel about contemporary literary poseurs and a skilfully crafted study of freedom. Somerset maugham cakes and ale with an introduction by nicholas shakespeare vintage books london contents cover title contents. Jan 25, 2014 cakes and ale is probably the most cheerful of maugham s works, considering that it comprises chiefly of the narrators recollections of a carefree summer vacation due to a strange friendship with a middleaged writer, driffield, and his sensuous, friendly wife, rosie. Somerset maugham somerset maugham by anthony curtis the secret lives of somerset maugham by selina hastings maugham. The first of the stories in this collection, rain, was written in 1920 in hong kong, but i had. Free downloadable version in various formats including kindle, epub, pdf and others. Maugham confessed to a friend that his cruel portrait of walpole had origins in walpoles behaviour towards maughams friend, the society painter sir gerald kelly the lionel hillier of cakes and ale when, after sitting for several portraits, walpole not only dropped kelly but asked him to approach augustus john to paint his. Maugham was not known as a bombthrower, but cakes and ale in 1930 changed that. Somerset maugham tells the story of author william ashenden s series of contracts over decades with a greatly renowned novelist, and the need of his wouldbe biographer for.
During his long career as a writer, maugham produced a large number of novels, plays and short stories. Somerset maughams story, miss thompson, new york, boni and liveright, c1923, also by john colton and clemence randolph page images at hathitrust. Cakes and ale top results of your surfing cakes and ale start download portable document format pdf and ebooks electronic books free online rating news 20162017 is books that can provide inspiration, insight, knowledge to the reader. A novelist, ashenden is befriended by the ambitious, selfserving alroy kear, who has been commissioned to write an official biography of the famous novelist edward driffield. A few are in a book that has long remained out of print, a few others are scattered in various magazines.
Somerset william somerset 1874 1965 date of first publication. When cakes and ale was first published in 1930 it roused a storm of controversy, since many people imagined they recognised portraits of literary figures now no more. Some of his best novels include of human bondage, the moon and sixpence and cakes and ale. Maugham has an amazing skill for revealing, with a few touches, a situation and the essentials of a character, and. Somerset maugham tells the story of author william ashenden s series of. Twelfth night takes for its theme the doubleness of human character, ranging from the calculated hypocrisy of the virtuous exemplified by literary opportunist and wouldbe biographer alroy kear to the animal weaknesses of the goodhearted yet unreformable rosie. Topics cakes, ale, maugham collection opensource language english. Full text of cakes and ale maugham internet archive. Somerset maugham tells the story of author william ashenden s series of pdf. Includes new facsimile dust jacket in archival brodart sleeve. Somerset maugham cakes and ale pdf cakes and ale by w. The story is told by willie ashenden, a character who previously appeared in maugham s shortstory collection ashenden. Somerset maugham download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. In my early youth i wrote a number, but they are so immature that i have preferred not to reprint them.
He was among the most popular writers of his era and reputedly the highestpaid author during the 1930s. World heritage encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. Maugham exposes the misguided social snobbery levelled at the character. Cakes and ale is a delicious satire of london literary society between the wars. Maughams masterpiece is generally agreed to be of human bondage, a semiautobiographical novel that deals with the life of the main character. Review of cakes and ale by somerset maugham a writers. Somerset william somerset, 18741965 online books about this author are available, as is a wikipedia article maugham, w. Somerset maugham william somerset maugham and other ebooks from all genres of literature, both fiction and nonfiction, historical documents and sheet music, all of which are available on a subscription basis. If you scroll up a bit and click the third button under other maugham eresources that says nonfiction with my logo on it, you will go to the ebook page of nonfiction, including travel books and essays. A novelist, ashenden is befriended by the ambitious, selfserving alroy kear, who has been commissioned to.
Cakes and ale is a piercing satire of british literary circles, and features apparently very recognisable portraits of authors thomas hardy, and maughams erstwhile friend horace walpole. Blackstable takes the place of whitstable as it did in of human bondage. For literary reasons it starts with a vicious portrait of. A novelist, ashenden is befriended by the ambitious, selfserving alroy kear, who has been commissioned to write an official biography of the. Social climber alroy kear is flattered when he is selected by edward driffields wife to pen the official biography of her lionized novelist husband, and determined to write a bestseller. Somerset maugham s cakes and ale dost thou think because thou art virtuous there shall be no more cakes and ale. Maugham has an amazing skill for revealing, with a few touches, a situation and. As he traces the fortunes of edward driffield and his extraordinary wife rosie, one of the most delightful heroines of twentiethcentury literature, maughams sardonic wit and lyrical warmth expertly combine in this.
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